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I'm focusing on taking care of myself

It’s a new semester, and this semester, I’m focused on keeping my stress levels manageable and keeping myself healthy. This is my second semester as a graduate student, and if my first semester taught me anything, it was that if I don’t take care of myself I will have a really hard time surviving those last few weeks leading up to finals.

So my goal is to survive this semester with less stress and less migraines, because as anyone around me knows, I get headaches more days than I don’t, especially when I’m not taking care of myself. But when projects and readings and papers and exams all pile up, it can be really difficult to remember that I need to try to eat right or go to the gym or just stop and relax and remind myself that one bad grade is not the end of the world.

As graduate students, we all take school so seriously, and we should take it seriously, but we need to remember that there are other things in life that are important too. We have to remember to take care of ourselves, and we have to remember to put that first.